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Getting the right protein 💪

Hi Friend, 

As I'm sure you know, your health relative to the protein in your everyday diet is high priority! And getting it just right will be reflected by many aspects of your health, especially with the development and performance of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle fibers. Unfortunately, today, the quality of protein consumption is ranking 'not so great'. The simple fact is the toll it's currently taking on the majority of our population's health is huge. This is why the info I have to offer you is critical. (I've extracted this content below from my book, Infinity Health Manual (invaluable stuff; so read it if you haven't already!)to highlight some of the more important factors.)

Why exactly is protein worth our special attention in the first place? 

Because protein is the primary building block of muscle, ligaments, vital organs, skin, and essentially every cell in the body. You really are what you eat! So I say let’s use the finest building blocks that we have available.

Flaws of Modern Day Protein

The days of high consumption of beef, pork, and chicken have caught up with us. These foods are definitely protein, but it’s the wear and tear on our overall health that comes with them that needs our attention.

Part of the problem is the type of saturated fats that come with animal protein. These are the fats that very definitely can raise unhealthy cholesterol. Even with the low-fat meat products, a little lard can go a long way, and not in our favor.

Another consideration: meats are acid-forming. This translates into a decrease of calcium in bones and an increase of inflammation in tissues resulting in reduced blood-flow, which ultimately translates to a weaker body that simply ages faster than it regenerates. Optimizing the circulation of oxygen and nutrient rich blood is a topic that I always emphasize the importance.

Additionally, metabolic waste from regular animal protein can accumulate over time in the gastrointestinal system. An eight-ounce steak isn’t eight ounces of protein, after all. A lot of it is indigestible animal matter which can build up in your large intestine and colon, slowly but surely weakening your digestive system, a vital pillar of your health.


I believe having fish in your diet can offer some overall benefits. Certain fish can be excellent nutritionally and a superior option to other meat products. One of the reasons is ease of digestibility. Another advantage of fish is the quality of fat. Remember fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids which have the exact opposite effect of the fats in other meat products. These fats actually reduce unhealthy cholesterol and inflammation.

If fish is a regular part of your diet, it's also important to be aware of fish that are known to be high in mercury as well as other harmful contaminants. Fish repeatedly testing high in mercury include tuna (especially albacore (ironic that albacore is the most consumed fish) ahi, and yellowfin tuna; skipjack tuna is okay), swordfish, shark, grouper, marlin, and mackerel. I suggest avoiding these entirely. Stick with the options tested to be low-mercury. These include salmon, trout, tilapia, sole, and most smaller fish. Other seafood like shrimp, oysters, and scallops tend to be okay too. In general, it's the large predatory fish that have toxic levels of mercury, even with freshwater fish.

Plant Protein

Okay, so where can you get good protein if you opt to cut back the animal protein? Easy. Vegetarian foods with a reasonable amount of protein include raw nuts and seeds, avocados, lentils,  beans, edamame, and eggs.

Protein supplements can also play an important role here. But beware of whey or soy based protein. These protein supplements are culprits of constipation, like eating glue. Hemp and rice protein, on the other hand, can be awesome, depending on the quality of ingredients. And you may have guessed it; Infinity Protein is the elite blend of both hemp and rice together!

Infinity Protein is a precision blend of the purest muscle building protein (for cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle fibers), enhancedwith medicinal herbs and digestive enzymes—all of which are proven to have awesome health enhancing benefits. All functions in the body are supported by the nutritive powers of these superfoods. Learn more how Infinity Protein can provide superior benefit, here

Why not give this a shot - if you haven't already, try cutting back on meat products for the next thirty days. Even better, skip beef and pork entirely - you may just notice your body will have a sigh of relief. For an upgrade, include Infinity Protein in your morning smoothie. And then shake some up in your water bottle in the afternoon. Or have an Infinity Protein Bar. I can guarantee you you will feel a difference. And, of course, any upgrade in your diet like this has the longterm payoff as well. After all, you are what you eat - an invaluable perspective to motivate the mission to thrive.

Yours Truly,


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