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The beauty of this dual purpose food

When we talk about green foods, we mean leafy legends like kale, arugula, chard, mustard greens, collard greens, parsley, cilantro, spinach, basil, broccoli, and blue-green algae. 
So, what makes these foods unmatchable superheroes in the nutrition world for your health and longevity? 
Two reasons:
  1. They’re packed with enough nutrients to make a multivitamin jealous.
  2. They flush out toxins.
The first reason is always valued which is great, but the second reason is often overlooked. 
Green foods are essential for eliminating toxins from the body. And this is a bigger deal than most people realize. 
Reality check—it is no exaggeration that we are bombarded with toxins every day—and more than ever. In the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, we’re exposed to impurities that people didn’t have to worry about a century ago.
The Magic Behind Greens (Not a Spell—It’s Science!)
The seeming magic in green foods? Chlorophyll. This green machine bonds with toxins, then gives them the boot through your digestive system. No other food performs the vital process of detoxification. 
The Weight-Loss Connection (Or: How Greens Help You Ditch That Spare Tire)
Did you know fat cells protect the body from toxins? They actually trap toxins to keep them away from your vital organs. So, when you try to lose weight, your body resists because burning fat = release of damaging toxins back into the bloodstream. So let green foods fulfill their vital role of removing toxins, making way for fat to be more easily burned as fuel.
Additionally, greens are low in calories, high in nutrients, and super filling—so you can eat a ton without worrying about your pants suddenly getting tighter. Win-win.
Keep It Simple (because life's complicated enough)
Eating greens doesn’t have to be fancy. A salad? Sure, but let’s not kid ourselves—a sad pile of iceberg lettuce with a couple of tomato wedges drowned in ranch dressing offers virtually no favor. It’s about the dark leafy greens. Don’t feel like making a salad? Why not just grab a handful of spinach or any other leafy greens and chow down. Eat it like a snack. Yes, I’m serious. It’s always been part of my routine, and you might just be surprised that you like it. 
But if you want to have your greens with healthy salad dressing, have at it. The tried and true classic —olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and cayenne. Simple. Please don’t bother with the packaged salad dressings which are nothing more than unhealthy entertainment. What the heck is ranch dressing, anyway? (Seriously, have you ever read the ingredients?)
As for the famous green sauce!.. This is one of my favorite recipes and one that I believe we should all be making. Toss the homemade salad dressing ingredients (olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and cayenne) into a blender with raw greens like spinach or kale. The blender does all the hard work of breaking down those tough plant cell walls, making the nutrients easier to absorb. Plus, it tastes amazing on, well, everything. It’s a major staple in my diet, and I can’t recommend it enough. 
Blue-Green Algae—the first life on Earth. 
Edible varieties of algae have been in the human diet as far back as recorded history will take us—and all over the world—except for the last few hundred years in the Western world. 
Only recently have we begun hearing a lot more about the impact that blue-green algae can have on our health. Blue-green algae have more than triple the amount of chlorophyll (what makes green food green) of all other green foods, making the detoxifying attributes incomparable. (Fun fact: Algae produce over 60% of the oxygen on Earth.)
The three most health-enhancing blue-green algae:
  • Klamath algae - in addition to the detoxifying chlorella, clinical reports attribute Klamath Algae to consistently improve memory.
  • Spirulina - in addition to high levels of detoxifying chlorophyll, Spirulina is packed with beta-carotene (anti-aging), iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and phosphorus.
  • Chlorella - in addition to detoxifying chlorophyll, Chlorella oxygenates blood and has been clinically proven to lower blood pressure.
The best way to include these three blue-green algae in your diet? 
Infinity Greens (May 6 will be nineteen years!) to your morning smoothie, of course! (Check out the ultimate green smoothie recipe, HERE!
Yes, with Infinity Greens you are getting all three algae. Plus you’re getting the precision blend of the other highly therapeutic superfoods. 
" When I have Infinity Greens in my morning shake, I can feel a difference in my energy all day."
—Cindy Crawford 

" Infinity Superfoods are integrated into a number of my treatments and the results are always impressive."

—Dr. Marc Darrow, MD


" I am excited to have finally found a green formula that has everything I have been looking for...that is all-in-one and that's drinkable! Woohoo! Get supercharged! I love Infinity Greens."

—Dr. Cory Reddish, NMD

We’re talking about the superfoods that have been clinically proven to have tremendous impact for the betterment of our health. 
Not feeling called to include a superfood smoothie in your routine? No problem!.. Infinity Greens is also available in capsules
Note—in the 1970s, wheat and barley grass emerged as low-budget green foods. The theory was “greens for pennies.” But unfortunately the pretty price of these grasses, that now comprise the majority of ‘green superfood’ supplements, comes with drawbacks. What many people are unaware of is that wheat grass, even juiced, is hard to digest and long term can weaken the gastrointestinal system. This is part of what makes all other green foods superior, especially blue-green algae
Note—Today food is less nutritious than just a decade ago thanks to soil depletion. But blue-green algae?…they haven’t changed in four billion years. Blue-green algae are still as packed with chlorophyll and nutrients as day one.
To sum it all up, including the right green foods that are high in detoxifying chlorophyll and restorative nutrients—whether kale, collard greens, spinach, or blue-green algae—is clinically proven to mitigate disease and extend lifespan. It’s about honing a diet that enables the body to rejuvenate faster than it breaks down, and green foods (minus the frosting on cake - unless it's your friend's birthday cake) is an irreplaceable key.
Here for you! 
Billy Merritt 

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